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Whenever I help a person out I feel good. (corny) I like to because people then think higher of me and my family.


Today I was asked to talk about an activity to replace recess. If I could pick one topic it would be basketball. It is a recess activity but I mean just that because nobody like basketball here. They all like stupid soccer 🙁 .  At least at middle school it is pretty much that way. 😀  If you agree say #basketball4life


So today we were working on ceramics. I made a super cool under armor print. It was so cool that some other kids copied me. We also finished our portfolio! Now I am doing social studies on General Custer.

Process Description

The circulatory system is important because it provides oxygen to the muscles and pumps blood to the rest of the body. Low oxygenated blood enters the right atrium through a vein call the vena cava. Then the blood goes through the tricuspid valve into the right ventricle. Now the blood is pumped the pulmonary artery up the lung where the gas exchange occurs. That mean that the CO2 is exchanged with oxygen and is then sent down to the left atrium through the pulmonary vein. Oxygenated blood then goes down to the left ventricle through the bicuspid valve then goes to a large artery called the aorta which then branches off  to different arteries until it gets to the muscles where the muscles trade oxygen for CO2. Then the blood goes through the veins to the kidneys to filter out the waste in the blood then it goes through the veins back to the heart and then the process starts over again when the heart beats.

Intro for circulatory system

First you will be taken on a step by step journey throughout the circulatory system with the process description, then you will see a full page diagram of the circulatory system. Following that you will see pictures and a description about all the major parts of the circulatory system. After that you will see a review and a screenshot of the main site that we used to get our info from. Next you will see the quiz that we made, our quiz key, and pictures of our completed quizzes. Then we will show  images of our PowerPoint that Anderson made. And lastly you will see the sites that we got all that info from.

Website review

This website was good for information about the heart. It has facts, examples and is interactive. The only thing I have against it is that if you are looking for  the  circulatory system you can’t learn about anything other than the heart. Other than that it is a good website and recommend it.

Summerball Finished!-Final Summary

Danny faked an injury so that he could leave camp until he want over to see Tess and she made him change his mind. Then him and Rasheed Hill became friends and then it was time for the championship game against the Lakers who had the meanest kid on campus. Lamar. They were winning by 1 point with 5 seconds left and Lamar had the ball and was going up for a shot when Danny slapped it out of his hands and Celtics (Danny’s team) won the game!

Summer Ball (Pg. 50-105

Danny’s coach Ed Powers does not like Danny at all so during a scrimmage against Ty’s team. At the end of the game when Danny drives in for a layup one of the big men jumps up and grabs to ball out of the air. Then later that night he asks his coach if he can switch teams. His coach says no and tells Danny that he should take up soccer.