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Work Time

Work Time in Mr. D’s class

By: Ethan Evans

                I imagine a world where no one knew how to work efficiently, would you like to live in that world? I’m going to teach you how to be successful during work time. First, you get out your work plan, and then you get your computer out and log in. While the computer is logging in get your handwriting out and work on that. After one page of handwriting your computer should be finished loading, then your go on to Mr. D’s site and scroll down to data folder work and click on math facts. It should take you about 6 minutes to finish. After finishing math facts go to typing and work on that for about 10 minutes. Once you have finished typing, go to geography and work on that for about 10 more minutes. After all that is done you can do any overdue work, or Saxon Math, or of course read.

~ by Ethan Evans on .

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