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Plains Indians

The Plains Indians

By: Ethan Evans

Intro to the Plains Indians

Since the plains Indians are the main people I am writing about I am going to tell you a fact about them, they are either sedentary which means they are stationary or nomadic which means they move around. There is also some history about these Indians in this paper. Did you know that the plains Indians lived in the Great Plains? Boom! That was the sound of your mind being blown. For example most of the sedentary tribes live on the Missouri River. They would hunt buffalo on fish there. But now they don’t live in the plains any more. “Even though buffalo don’t live in the plains descendants of the Plains Indians still live in areas of the United States.” The plains Indians live in the plains because of features like buffalo and a river to fish in.

The First Plains Indians

Did you know that the first plains Indians Hunted Mammoths? Cool right? These early Indians are called Paleo Indians. They appear to be from 28,000 years ago. As a matter of fact, “remains of mammoth bones and spear tips about 11,000 years ago have been found on the southern and western plains.”

Setting up the Tipis.

Can you believe that if you were a women in a nomadic tribe you would have to set up a tipi in 15 minutes then take them down in 5, can you imagine building your house in 15 minutes and take it down and carrying it in 5 minutes? They would have to do this wherever they stopped. Now I know what you are thinking, how could they put up the tipis so fast? They were able to do because they would practice when they were kids with child sized tipis.

So that’s about it, they were either nomadic or sedentary, the first plains Indians hunted Mammoths, and the women could put the tipis up in a whopping 15 minutes!

~ by Ethan Evans on .

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